12 oz. frozen Strawberries *
1 Tbsp. Lemon or Lime Juice (Lime is my preference)
1/4 cup Superfine or Powdered Sugar
1 Pint Heavy Cream
- Fit the processor workbowl with the chopping disc. Place the Frozen Strawberries in the bowl and put the lid on. **
A large Food Processor Bowl will hold up to 1 Pint of Berries
Note: You can place a whole pint of Berries in a large Food Processor Bowl. This photo is just to show the Hulled Berries in the Food Processor Bowl.
- Use the PULSE BUTTON to break the Strawberries up into small pieces.
- Press the ON BUTTON and continue running until the Berries look like snow or shaved ice.
- Remove the lid and add the Lemon Juice, Sugar, and Cream. Run for 2-3 minutes or until the Strawberries become lighter in color and the volume has expanded.
- Serve immediately with Fruit Sauce or Whipped Cream. Or freeze and scoop into serving dishes later. (If freezing, allow to soften at room temperature until it becomes easy to scoop or reprocess before serving)
Yield: Approx. 8 Servings
*Fresh Strawberries may be used. Clean them with a damp paper towel and then remove the hulls. (Stem and leaves)
Place in a shallow dish or tray and freeze them until almost hard.
**Alternatively, the medium shredding blade can be used. Lightly push down on the Berries to shred them. The pusher may have to be lifted slightly to facilitate the shredding. This is actually a better way to break the Berries up into very small pieces.