Baking Dessert Ideas Fruit Main Pastry




Since there are still more peaches, I had Rice Krispies with sliced Peaches for Breakfast.



After Breakfast, I decided to ‘feed the freezer’.  I do this every year with peaches and apples, since our trees are so productive and because we love fruit turnovers for one of our breakfast items.  To make the Turnovers, the procedure is pretty much the same as for making the pie.  The peaches have to be washed, peeled, pitted and sliced and then tossed with a thickener, sweetener and some spices.  Next, I let them sit for awhile while the juices are released.  Then, I put the peaches in a colander and let the juices drain into a saucepan.   The saucepan is then put over medium-high heat to reduce the liquid.  The reduced liquid is re-added to the peaches and gently tossed.


The next step is to prepare the dough.  You can make pie crust, a cream cheese tart crust or purchase frozen puff pastry or make Danish.  I love Puff Pastry, but do not necessarily like to make it as it is a long and tedious process.  Danish, on the other hand is somewhat easier to make.  Since I have Puff Pastry in the freezer, decided that I had better use that before it gets dried out.  I purchase the Puff Pastry Sheets in a 25 lb. box that fortunately fits in the freezer that we have in the garage.  The sheets are separated with parchment paper, so you can take out the sheets one at a time as you need them.  In addition, the parchment paper can be used on your baking sheets to bake the turnovers on.


Puff Pastry can be purchased in the market, but this puff pastry is sold, rolled up and it tends to crack  when thawed and unrolled.  I much prefer the sheets.  The sheets are large enough to cut into 6 5″ squares.  I usually just ‘eye-ball’ and it usually comes out pretty close .  In the photos, I used a ruler to show how to cut the pastry.


Measuring – cut into 3 crosswise portions and 5 lengthwise portions to equal 6 squares



Once the pastry is cut thawed and cut into squares, turn them so that they form a diamond, rather than a square.   I then put a spoonful (use a slotted spoon) of filling on the lower half of each diamond.  Have a small container of water nearby, so that you can moisten the edges (two adjoining edges) so that when you fold over the dough, it will seal.

Adding the Filling


Use a fork to crimp the edges to make sure they stay together.  Take a small paring knife and make slits in the top of the turnovers.  If you like, you can use a fork to make a letter indicating what kind of filling is inside.  (A for apple, P for Peaches, etc.)



Crimping the Edges

Cover a baking sheet with parchemtn paper and place the completed turnovers on the paper.  They can be close together if you are going to freeze them.  To bake, they should be at least two inches apart.  Once the pan is filled, I then place a sheet of plastic wrap over the turnovers and make a second layer.  Cover the whole pan with more plastic wrap and then cover with foil over the plastic wrap and freeze.

Plastic Wrapped


Once the turnovers are frozen, they can then be placed in plastic bags and then returned to the freezer.  This way, you can take only as many as you need.


To bake Puff Pastry Turnovers, preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  Place your turnovers on a parchment covered pan about 2 inches apart.  Brush with a beaten egg or egg white and sprinkle lightly with coarse sugar.  Bake for about 20 minutes or until a medium golden brown color.  Let cool for about 5 minutes before serving.


Peaches can also be used for upside down cake,  or as toppings for waffles or ice cream.

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