June 4th, 2012
Today is National Cheese Day – how many have you tasted? Below is an alphabet of some of the Cheese of the World.
A: American, Asiago,
B: Bleu, Brie, Burrata
C: Camembert, Cheddar, Cottage, Cream
D: Danish Bleu, Don Olivo
E: Eden, Emmental
F: Farmer’s
G: Gouda, Gorgonzola, Gruyere
H: Havarti, Hoop
I: Idiazabal, Irish Cheddar
J: Jalisco, Jarlsberg
K: Kasseri, Kunik
L: Ladaff, La Tur, Leyden, Limburger
M: Mantego, Marscarpone, Mozzarella
N: Neufchatel
O: Oaxaca, Oregon Blue
P: Parano, Parmesan, Pepato, Provolone
Q: Quark, Queso Fresca, Queso Melt
R: Red Dragon, Red Hawk, Romano
S: Sage Derby, Saint Agur, Swiss, Stilton
T: Tillamook, Taleggio, TinTern
V: Valdeon, Vincent
W: Wasabi Capri, Windsor Blue, Windsor Red