Bread Cooking for Kids Dessert Ideas Italian Lunch Ideas Main Pasta Pastry Pre-Teen Classes Salads



The week of August 13th – 17th was the Teen/Preteen Western Culinary Camp at Let’s Get Cookin’ in Westlake Village.  During the week, we traced the evolution of Western Cuisine from its birthplace in the Middle East and followed the trail to Greece, Italy, France and then across the Atlantic to the New England States in America.






Day One – Middle East

Lavash -Flat Bread                                                        

Spinach Borani Spinach & Yogurt Dip

Israeli Chopped Salad

Israeli Couscous

Chicken Tangine

Egyptian Bread Pudding

Cardamom Cookies & Pomegranate Blast


Emma & Paige making Lavash

    Paige making Israeli Couscous



Israeli Chopped Salad
Emma Meek – Middle Eastern Lunch

On Emma’s plate is Israeli Couscous & Lavash.  In the small cups are Israeli Chopped Salad, Spinach Borani & Pomegranate Blast.


Egyptian Bread Pudding

Egyptian Bread Pudding – contains Baked Puff Pastry, a variety of nuts and Coconut sweetened condensed milk.  The ingredients were combined and then baked before being served.










Day Two – Greece

Pita Bread

Mediterranean Vegetable Salad

Beef & Macaroni Pie

Lemon Rice Pilaf

Pineapple Baklava



Paige & Emma T. making Pineapple Baklava

                Filling for Baklava

Eating Lunch on Day Two – Macaroni Pie, Vegetable Salad, Rice Pilaff

Emma T, Paige, Emma M & Sheema

Day Three – Italy


Stuffed Shells with Marinara Sauce

Chicken Picatta

Fruit Lasagna

Italian Sodas


Emma T. and Paige dicing Onions for the Chicken Picatta

    Chicken Picatta  – Lemon flavored dish








Emma M. Shredding Cheese for Stuffed Shells
Paige & Emma T. Serving themselves Antipasto


Antipasto with Balsamic Vinaigrette




Fruit Lasagna


Day Four – France

Coquille St. Jacque (Scallops in White Butter Sauce)

French Onion Soup


Butter Lettuce Salad

Boeuf Burgundy

Haricot Verte (French Green Beans)

Strawberry Napoleons

Coquille St. Jacque
Strawberry Napoleon’s for Dessert

Elizabeth adding Pastry Cream that was forgotten

Day Five – New England

Rhode Island Clam Chowder

Stuffed Eggs Florentine

Roasted Asparagus

Lamb Carbonnade

Corn Fritters

Pumpkin Biscuits

Sally Lunn Bread

Boston Cream Pie

Emma T. with Pumpkin Cookies
Paige – just added glaze to Boston Cream Pie


Boston Cream Pie

















Additional Photos


Sheema, Lauren & Aya – Italy










Sheema, Emma T & Piper  —->




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